I have connected a DHIS2 instance to LDAP for user authentication using the following configuration according to documentation,
# LDAP server URL
ldap.url = ldaps://domain.org:636
# LDAP manager entry distinguished name
ldap.manager.dn = cn=johndoe,dc=domain,dc=org
# LDAP manager entry password
ldap.manager.password = xxxx
# LDAP base search
ldap.search.base = dc=domain,dc=org
# LDAP search filter
ldap.search.filter = (cn={0})
I have replaced the value of all parameters as per my settings. We have same configuration on two instances of DHIS2 – on version it works fine, but on version 2.40.3, I am getting the following error when attempting to login.
Authentication principal is not supported; principal:LdapUserDetailsImpl
Has anyone else faced this issue or have any insights on what might be causing it? Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!
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